
Hey, I'm Qther.
That's an alias - as I choose not to reveal my real name for the sake of privacy.

I started programming with JavaScript when I was just 9 years old,
though I did not make anything of note until much later.

Nowadays, I mostly program in Rust, as I am a big fan of its safety and ergonomics. Apart from binaries like parui , a terminal user interface wrapper around the Arch User Repository (AUR) Helper paru.

I have also made several libraries such compact_strings , a more space-efficient and cache-friendly way of representing large lists of strings also used in parui, and nonn , a wrapper around the standard library's NonZero* integer types to make them generically NonN instead.

I use Neovim as my text editor, both for simple files and for programming. I host my configuration files on GitHub and have made some plugins for it, such as align.nvim , though they are largely unmaintained.